Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Road Home - Symbolism

In the film The Road Home we see quite a bit of red.  Director Zhang Yimou used this color symbolically throughout the movie.  Red reflected hope and love in the film.

Di wears her pink jacket and red scarf every time she goes to see the school teacher. She hopes for his attention and love.  She also weaves a red banner for the school.  This signifies hope as the school is a new beginning.  The school teacher would not even allow for the cieling of the school to be insulated because looking at the banner connected him to Di and was also a sign of good luck.

The road is also very symbolic in the film.  This is the road which breaks hearts and returns lost loves.  This road carried Di's true love away with no assurance of his return.  The road also reunited two lovers both in their youth and in the teachers death.

The loom represents  Di's love for the teacher, her husband.  She sits at this loom and slaves over the final cloth that will be draped over her husband's casket.  The shear tedious task of weaving symbolic of how much work and care must go into building a relationship.  Specifically when it comes to Di and the teacher.  They had a romance the defied the odds set against them.

The Road Home was a beautiful and inspiring love story.  It is the kind of story that defies time.  I was touched to the core of my heart by this film and it's rich symbolism.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic post. You picked brilliant symbols to explore, and do a good job connecting these objects to plot, character, and themes in the movie. Mimi
