Saturday, September 17, 2016

The 400 Blows - Here's a Question for You

The opening credits of The 400 Blows is absolutely stunning! The camera pans through the streets of Paris giving us, the viewer, an amazing tour of the city.  Throughout the this opening scene of the movie we are given glimpses of the Eiffel Tower on our amazing tour.  It is my understanding that directors have a purpose for angle and shot, there is meaning in everything.  With that in mind I have two questions for you to ponder and respond to:

 1. What is the purpose of Francois Truffaut basically making the Eiffel Tower the focal point of his opening credits?  

2.  From whose perspective are the opening credits being shot? 

I have my own opinions, but I am much more interested in what you think.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Difficult questions!
    I would say that Truffaut decided to focus in the Eiffel Tower, because it is a homage to his country.
    Also, I think that it is Antoine Doinel the one that is looking at the Eiffel Tower, because it is in a low angle shot, which resembles a child looking at an enormous monument.
    Good questions, Sandy!
    - The Tiny Film Connoisseur

  3. I believe that Francois Truffaut make the Eiffel Tower a focal point in the opening credits so that the viewers can use that landmark to help with the setting of this movie.
    -Megan McCarthy

  4. Your question, and the responses so far, give me chills. I have pondered these opening credits often. I equate the Eiffel Tower with tourism and the upper-class, so I wonder if Truffaut was deliberate in showing it "out of reach" of the implied point of view. Mimi

  5. I agree with everyone else. Usually every film shows a main building, statue, or object of a place so the audience knows where the film is located. I think the perspective of the opening credits could be Antoine or the director could be showing the audience what the town is like and showing us the buildings/ scenes because some of the introduction shown is within the film and Antione is seen going into those places later in the film.
    - Molly S.

  6. I think Truffaut uses the Eiffel Tower as a focal point in the opening credits to showcase the romanticism of the city of Paris, much like when Antoine was in the police car looking back at the city. I think the view of the Eiffel Tower is Antoine's because it may showcase a fantasy of his--seeing something beautiful about the city.

  7. These are great questions! I agree with what everyone else is thinking. I think that Truffaut is using the Eiffel Tower as a focal point to show where the film is located. I also believe that the perspective of the opening credits is Antoine's, since the Eiffel Tower is being shown at low angle shots. I think this could be interpreted as him trying to focus on something to aspire to, that there are greater opportunities out there for him, not just in Paris.
    - Natalie Trzcinko

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  9. I believe the purpose of Francois Truffaut basically making the Eiffel Tower the focal point of his opening credits is to set the scene of the story. This is because the Eiffel Tower is an iconic image that represents France to the rest of the world. But it also conveys the greatest icon of France and that can be compared to the poor or less-valued life of the main protagonist character. The perspective of the opening credits are being shot with low angle shots. This is done to show that the city of Paris is seen as highly important and influential in the lives of the characters. -Morgan Raddatz
